Down in the Tropics
Harry Henry Hann and Nancy Johnson have written a wonderful travelogue for children ages 5 through 12 years. Down in the Tropics tells the story of one Saturday in the life of a West Indian island family. With rich colorful illustrations by Elaine Langille, it points out the many customs and cultural differences and similarities between the people of the Caribbean and the rest of the world.
In addition to describing the culture in detail, it is also entertaining ...with a slight dramatic twist near the end. The characters are Nigel, a ten year old boy ... his 7 year old sister Sissy and their parents. The West Indian accent can be heard in the book's online audio which includes a narration as well as a song performed by the author who goes by the name of Captain Harry.
Down in the Tropics is a 20 minute journey into the island way of life. Story, song, and audio narration recorded and published by Goin' Native Records.